Embracing an Essential Role
JUST AS NO ONE EXPECTS TO BE DIAGNOSED with metastatic breast cancer (mBC), taking on the role of caregiver can also come as a shock. Yet, out of compassion for their loved one and all they’re going through, it’s a calling answered by family and friends. These are now their moments, too.

“ I made myself available, offered support, and invited her to let me know what her needs were.”
Julie, IBRANCE Caregiver Ambassador + Sister
Much is asked of caregivers: to play a part in a loved one’s treatment, to provide reassurance and emotional encouragement, and to keep in mind the importance of taking care of themselves.
For these reasons and so many more, Pfizer and the IBRANCE community provide caregivers the support, resources and programs they need to fully understand and embrace their role.
Gain Support From Those Who’ve Been There
The IBRANCE Ambassador Mentor Program offers you and your loved one the opportunity to have a private, one-on-one phone call with an IBRANCE Ambassador or a Caregiver Ambassador—a team of real IBRANCE patients and those who care about them.
They share their stories about being diagnosed, their treatment experiences and about living with mBC day to day. Helpful insights and advice are here for you, all in their own words.
To get set up with a mentor, call 1-844-390-8696 or register online and learn how to connect with someone who knows exactly what you’re going through.
Ambassadors were asked to share their personal stories about IBRANCE. All content was accurate at the time of publication and may have since changed. Mentors are not medical or mental health professionals and cannot provide any medical advice. Please contact your healthcare team for medical information.
Gain Support From Those Who’ve Been There
The IBRANCE Ambassador Mentor Program offers you and your loved one the opportunity to have a private, one-on-one phone call with an IBRANCE Ambassador or a Caregiver Ambassador—a team of real IBRANCE patients and those who care about them.
They share their stories about being diagnosed, their treatment experiences and about living with mBC day to day. Helpful insights and advice are here for you, all in their own words.
To get set up with a mentor, call 1-844-390-8696 or register online and learn how to connect with someone who knows exactly what you’re going through.
Understanding Treatment With IBRANCE
Knowing how to help your loved one better understand their IBRANCE treatment plan may be beneficial to you both. Questions may come up about effectiveness, potential side effects, and even changes to day-to-day lifestyle.
Taking time to have an informed conversation with the doctor about the treatment plan may help answer any questions you or your loved one may have.
Additionally, an overview is available on IBRANCE.com that may make it easier to understand how to get started with IBRANCE.

Get Answers & Information
IBRANCE Answers is your source for treatment tips, lifestyle content, and important information for you and your loved one.
Making Your Support Needs A Priority. Together.
Pfizer Oncology TogetherTM is a personalized support program to help you and your loved ones throughout IBRANCE treatment. We can work with you to help identify financial assistance options for your prescribed IBRANCE. And if you need help with some of the day-to-day challenges you're facing, we can connect you to a dedicated Care Champion who has social work experience and will offer you support resources. Because when it comes to support, we're in this together.